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Schools in Melbourne

Quest Elementary School
(321) 242-1411

Quest Elementary school is a highly rated public elementary school located at 8751 Trafford Drive in Melbourne, Fl., this school has maintained an “A” grade at least two decades. Quest Elementary has 900 students in attendance from grades PK-6. The student to teacher ratio is 16:1. Students at this school soar in academic achievements, according to the state test scoring, 87% of students are at least proficient in reading and at least 88% in math, these numbers are significantly higher than the state averages. Quest Elementary follows the STEAM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) this approach to learning uses the above topics as access points to guiding students in their critical thinking, dialogue and inquiry. There is also a G.E.M.S. program (Gifted Explorers Master Solutions), this program is for the most academically gifted students at the school.

Sabal Elementary School
(321) 524-7261

Sabal Elementary School is located at 1401 Wickham Road and has an estimated 550 students in grades PK-6, with a student to teacher ratio of 12:1. Sabal Elementary is currently a “C” graded school and is working towards improving there grade, it has been graded A-B in the previous years. The principal of Sabal Elementary is Stephanie Hall, and the assistant principal is Erika Lucarotti. The school’s mission is to advocate for student achievement and build a foundation for lifelong productivity and learning.

Sherwood Elementary School
(321) 254-6424

Sherwood Elementary school is located at 2541 Post Road, and teaches an estimated 500 students in grades PK-6, the student to teacher ratio is 13:1. This is a “B” graded school, higher than some of the other elementary schools in the immediate vicinity. The principal of Sherwood is Sandra Marines, she was born and raised in Brevard County and has over 20 years of experience in education in Brevard County. For more information, view the school’s website.

University Park Elementary School
(321) 723-2566

University Park Elementary is located at 500 W. University Blvd and has approximately 550 students in grades PK-6 and a student to teacher ratio of 12:1. A student to teacher ratio of 12:1 is below the state average and allows the teacher to spend more time with each individual child, this helps many students academically. University Park Elementary has a “C” grade.

Roy Allen Elementary School
(321) 242-6450

Roy Allen Elementary is a highly rated public school located at 2601 Fountainhead Blvd., it is a quant school that is tucked away and is in the middle of the surrounding neighborhoods. This school has an estimated 632 students in grades PK-6, with a student to teacher ratio of approximately 14:1. Besides stellar academics this school has a plethora of clubs and activities for your child to choose from including: Yearbook, Odyssey of the Mind, Strings, Art, Earth Kids, Chorus, and Lego Robotics.

Dr. W.J. Creel Elementary School
(321) 259-3233

Croton Elementary school is located at 1449 Croton Road and has 615 students in grades PK-6, with a student to teacher ratio of 14:1. Croton Elementary is an average school, academically speaking and has a “C” grade. There are a small variety of clubs and activities available for your child to participate in including K-Kids, Music, Safety Patrol, and Video Production to name a few.

Harbor City Elementary School
(321) 254-5534

Harbor City Elementary is located at 1377 Sarno Road and has 402 students in grades PK-6, with a student to teacher ratio of 12:1. This school has a “C” grade and is a title 1 school. The teachers and administration are working hard to improve the school grade. There are a few clubs and activities available for your student including Dove Bible Club, Art Club, Safety Patrol, Chorus and PE Club to name a few. Check out the school website for more information.

Stone Magnet Middle School
(321) 723-0741

Stone Magnet Middle School is located at 1101 E. University Blvd., and has approximately 783 students in grades 7-8 and a student to teacher ratio of 16:1. Stone Magnet has a “C” grade and packs a punch when it comes to the amount of clubs and activities offered for your child to choose from: Astronaut Club, Odyssey of the Mind, Writing Club, National Junior Honor Society, Photography Clubs, Weightlifting Club, Track Club, S.W.A.T. (students working against tobacco), Drone Club, Basketball Club, BETA Club, Future Educators of America, Book Club, Cheerleading Club, Student Government and more! Check out the website for more information on this great school.

West Shore Jr./Sr. High School
(321) 242-4730

West Shore Jr./Sr. High school is located at 250 Wildcat Alley and currently has an estimated 1000 students in grades 7-2 with a student to teacher ratio if 18:1. This is a top quality, public junior/senior high school that has maintained an “A” rating for at least the last two consecutive decades. Besides a stellar academic curriculum, they also offer quite the variety of extracurricular clubs and activities for your child, including but not limited to: Beta Club, HOSA – Future Health Professionals, Future Business Leaders of America, National Science Honor Society and much more. Check out the school website for full details on clubs, academics, and sports.

Eau Gallie High School
(321) 242-6400

Eau Gallie High School is located at 1400 Commodore Blvd., and has approximately 1,672 students in grades 8-12, with a student to teach ratio of 18:1. This school has received a “B” grade on average. They are working hard to improve the academic curriculum and raise the grades of the students, they do offer many academic clubs to prepare your child for the future such as: AVID, AFJROTC, Career and Technical Education, Health and Wellness Academy, Fine Arts Academy, AICE/Cambridge, and more! You can view more detailed information on the website.

Melbourne High School
(321) 952-5880

Melbourne High is a highly rated public school located at 74 Bulldog Blvd. This school has a large student populous of 2,302 in grades 9-12 and a student to teacher ratio of 21:1. Melbourne High has almost consistently held an “A” rating for nearly two decades. A wide variety of clubs are available for your child including but not limited to: Surf Team, Robotics, Guitar Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Orchestra, Yearbook Club and much more!

Ascension Catholic School
(321) 254-1595

Ascension Catholic School is a private Catholic school located at 2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., in Melbourne, Fl. This school has about 450 students in attendance in grades PK-8 and a student to teacher ratio of 16:1. The academic curriculum used at Ascension is approved by the state of Florida and the Diocese of Orlando. They offer a well-rounded approach to learning about each subject in depth, language arts, reading, math, science, etc. All the while offering an environment where Christ comes first. For further information, check out the school website.

Faith Fellowship Academy
(321) 294-6026

Faith Fellowship Academy is a Private Christian School located at 2820 Business Center Blvd., located just south of the Pineda Causeway, in Melbourne, Fl. This school has approximately 196 students in grades PK-K. This school offers computers in all VPK classrooms, a Christian foundation, special events, bathrooms and water fountains in each classroom, qualified trained teachers, multiple, fully equipped playgrounds, clean and safe classrooms, and more.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy
(321) 723-8323

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy. There is an Upper School is located at 5625 Holy Trinity Drive and a Lower Academy located at 50 West Strawbridge Avenue. This school has an estimated 870 students and on average, the student to teacher ratio is 10:1. The student to teacher ratio allows for much more one on time with each student. Holy Trinity Academy is proud to combine a traditional teaching curriculum and methods with more modern, innovative approaches to learning, this provides students with a strong foundation of knowledge which will allow them to go to any college they wish.

Melbourne Central Catholic High School
(321) 727-0793

Melbourne Central Catholic High School is located at 154 East Florida Ave., and has an estimated 550 students in grades 9-12, with a student to teacher ratio of 13:1. The student to teacher ratio is lower than the state average which allows for more one on one time with each student. MCC is a highly rated school which offers four diploma options including: College Preparatory Diploma, Honors Diploma, High School Diploma and Exceptional Student Education Program Diploma. View their website for more information.

New Covenant Christian School
(321) 724-9603

New Covenant Christian School is a highly rated private school located at 1990 West New Haven Avenue and has an estimated 310 students in grades PK-12 with a student to teacher ratio of 9:1. The student to teacher ratio is lower than the average ratio statewide, this allows for more time spent with each child. The staff of this school has nearly three decades of experience with directing their and students’ educations and assisting the parents as well. NCS has also been a member of the Association of Christian School International more many years.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
(321) 723-3631

Our Lady of Lourdes School is a highly ranked private catholic school located at 420 Fee Ave., this school serves approximately 235 grade PK-8 students, with a student to teacher ratio of 13:1. Besides a high focus on academics, OLL places a high importance on physical education and athletics, some of the sports offered to the middle school aged children include but are not limited to: Track and Field, Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Cheerleading, Soccer, Flag Football, and Running Club. For more information on ether sports, academics or admissions, please visit their website.

Bethany Christian School
(321) 727-2038

Bethany Christian School (formerly known as Brevard Christian School) is a private Christian school located at 1100 Dorchester Ave. This school has an estimated 300 students in grades PK-12 with a student to teacher ratio of about 18:1. The goal of this school is to not only meet the academic needs of their students, but also to meet spiritual goals. There are a variety of programs available for your child including: National Honor Society, ESE (Exceptional Student Education), an International Student Program and more!

Johnson Middle School
(321) 242-6340

Johnson Middle School is a public school located at 2155 Croton Road. This school has an approximated student populous of 795, in grades 7-8, with a student to teacher ratio of approximately 17:1. JMS offers is a well-rounded school that balances academics, athletics and clubs and activities. As far as academics, they offer some great programs for your child to participate in including but not limited to: Cambridge Program and AVID. Please see the website for further information.

Florida Preparatory Academy
(321) 723-3211

Florida Preparatory Academy also/formerly known as Florida Air Academy is located at 1950 Academy Drive. This is a college preparatory school that has approximately 200 students in grades 5-12 and a student to teacher ratio of 8:1. The extremely low student to teacher ratio allows for much more time spent with each student compared to other private and public schools in the area. This school has an advanced curriculum for the brightest students that will surely prepare them for the future and college. They also offer Dual Enrollment, AFJROTC, and go on trips and excursions.

Country Day for Children Montessori School
(321) 951-8005

Country Day for Children is a Private Montessori School is located at 1281 S. Wickham Road and teaches children from ages 2.5-5. With the unique Montessori framework followed, the students’ progress at their own individual pace that matches their individual capabilities. The Montessori classrooms allow for a prepared environment where the students are driven naturally to learn and work. Children who attend Montessori schools may develop higher levels of motivation, concentration, discipline and persistence.

Webster University
(800) 981-9801

Keiser College
(888) 534-7379

Florida Institute of Technology
(321) 674-8000
