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Schools in Satellite Beach

Surfside Elementary School
(321) 773-2818

Surfside Elementary school is a highly rated public school located at 475 Cassia Blvd., and has approximately 475 students in grades PK-6, with a student to teacher ratio of 14:1. This school has earned an “A” rating since at least the year 2002. Besides a high emphasis on academics, they also offer an interesting variety of clubs for your child to attend, including but not limited to: Running Club, 4H (gardening) Club, Panther News, Safety Patrols, Singing Club, Book Bash, Dance Team, and Dove  Bible Club. Visit the school site for more information.

Sea Park Elementary School
(321) 779-2050

Sea Park Elementary School is located at 300 Sea Park Blvd., and has an estimated 340 students in grades PK-6, with a student to teacher ratio of 13:1. For a public school, the student to teacher ratio is lower than average, this is a great advantage to the students. Sea Park is an “A” graded school, besides stellar academics they offer a number of extracurricular activities for your child including: Youth Leadership Club, National Elementary Honor Society, Maker Space, LEGO Robotics and Sea Park Growers to name a few.

Holland Elementary School
(321) 773-7591

Holland Elementary school is another one of Satellite beaches highly “A” rated schools for your elementary school aged child. This school serves grades PK-6, with about 470 students and a student to teacher ratio of 15:1. According to state test results, 73% of the students are at least proficient in reading and 80% for math, this is much higher than the state averages. This school has many academically gifted students and the clubs to match, including but not limited to: Coding Club, Odyssey of the Mind, Robotics, National Elementary Honor Society and more! Check the website for more information.

Delaura Middle School
(321) 733-7581

Delaura Middle School is located at 300 Jackson Avenue and has approximately 700 students in grades 7-8. The student to teacher ratio is 18:1, and the school does have an “A” grade. There are many clubs and activities for your child to choose from when you choose Delaura Middle school, the vision statement of the school is to provide a high-quality education in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. This vision allows for the students to flourish and reach for their highest potential.

Satellite High School
(321) 779-2000

Satellite High School is located at 300 Scorpion Court, and has an approximated 1,355 students in grades PK, 9-12, with a student to teacher ratio of 20:1. This is a highly “A” rated public high school that works hard to help in preparing your child for college. They have a JROTC Program, Career and Technical Education Program, and the Satellite Academy of Fine Arts. For further on the academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities visit the school website.

Brevard Montessori School

(321) 773-5437

Please call Brevard Montessori School for more information.
